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More Thyme-leaved Sandwort. Bouncing Bet. Genus: Saponaria. Species: Officinalis.

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Perennial - also known as Soapwort - native to Europe. Updated February 25 More Bouncing Bet. Red Sandspurry.

Genus: Spergularia. Species: Rubra.

Updated December 27 More Red Sandspurry. Salt Sandspurry. Species: Salina also Marina. Updated December 29 More Salt Sandspurry.

White Campion female - flower approx. Stellaria media?

Перевод "Clear Bet" на русский

Common Chickweed - flower 6 to 9 mm - leaves 1. Bladder Campion - flower approx. Water Chickweed - flower approx.

White Campion male - flower approx. Deptford Pink - flower approx. Thyme-leaved Sandwort - flower approx. Предложить пример.

Owner Steve Pisano

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